Beyond the Rainbow: Everyday Inclusion

Natalie Brock, - Thought Machine

In a recent episode of FinTech's DEI Discussions podcast, hosted by Nadia, we were introduced to Natalie Brock, Chief of Staff at Thought Machine. Natalie shared her personal journey through the fintech sector, providing deep insights into her career and the evolving culture within fintech companies. Her reflections offer a unique perspective on the challenges and progress within the industry, particularly concerning inclusivity, allyship, and the creation of supportive workplaces.

A Career Rooted in FinTech Recruitment

Natalie's journey in fintech began over 14 years ago in the traditional recruitment industry. She started her career in a highly competitive and target-driven environment, which, at the time, was dominated by a very specific and often exclusionary culture. The recruitment sector, particularly in those early years, was characterised by its aggressive nature, where high-pressure tactics and a predominantly male-dominated workplace were the norms. For Natalie, as a young graduate, this environment was both challenging and formative.

Despite the difficulties, Natalie excelled in her role, becoming one of the top billers in the UK. However, she also encountered significant challenges related to inclusivity, particularly as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Her experiences in this male-dominated environment, where she often felt like the "token lesbian," highlighted the need for change within the industry. This realisation planted the seeds for her future commitment to fostering inclusive workplaces.

The Shift to In-House Roles

After spending several years in traditional recruitment, Natalie transitioned to an in-house role at a wellness and fitness organisation. This move marked a significant shift in her career, allowing her to engage more deeply with people and cultural strategies. It was here that Natalie began to integrate her passion for creating inclusive work environments into her professional life.

This role also introduced her to the tech startup environment, which was markedly different from the traditional recruitment industry. The diversity and open-mindedness of the company, which had roots in Brazil and employed a multicultural team, provided a refreshing contrast to her previous experiences. This setting allowed Natalie to further develop her skills in people management and culture-building, laying the groundwork for her future roles in fintech.

Joining Thought Machine

Natalie's journey eventually led her to Thought Machine, where she has been for the past five years. Initially joining as the head of commercial recruiting, she quickly progressed to the role of global head of recruitment, and now serves as the Chief of Staff to the Chief People Officer. Thought Machine, a fintech company known for its innovative approach to core banking technology, provided Natalie with the perfect environment to apply her expertise in people strategy and recruitment.

At Thought Machine, Natalie has been instrumental in shaping a culture that is not only inclusive but also actively supportive of diversity. Her leadership has helped the company grow from a single office in London to a global presence across 15 countries. This rapid expansion has presented both challenges and opportunities, particularly in maintaining a consistent and inclusive culture across diverse regions.

Creating an Inclusive Fintech Workplace

One of the most significant aspects of Natalie’s role at Thought Machine has been her focus on creating an inclusive workplace. Drawing from her own experiences, she has worked tirelessly to ensure that Thought Machine is a place where everyone, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, can thrive. This commitment to inclusivity is reflected in the company’s various initiatives, such as its Pride events and the establishment of an LGBTQ+ network called "Out at Thought Machine."

These initiatives are not just symbolic gestures but are deeply woven into the fabric of the company’s culture. For instance, Thought Machine’s Pride celebrations go beyond mere tokenism, incorporating educational elements and fostering genuine inclusivity. The company’s approach to diversity is comprehensive, encompassing a range of activities and discussions that engage all employees, not just those who identify as LGBTQ+.

The Role of Allyship

Allyship has been a central theme in Natalie’s work at Thought Machine. She believes that active allyship—where individuals take concrete steps to support underrepresented groups—is crucial for creating a truly inclusive workplace. This involves more than just passive support; it requires a commitment to speaking up, participating in diversity initiatives, and educating oneself about the experiences of others.

Natalie shared examples of how allyship is practised at Thought Machine, such as the widespread participation in Pride events by employees who do not necessarily identify as LGBTQ+. This level of involvement reflects a broader culture of inclusivity at the company, where everyone is encouraged to participate in diversity initiatives. Natalie’s leadership in promoting allyship has been key to fostering a workplace where all employees feel valued and supported.

Transparency and Accountability

Another important aspect of Natalie’s work at Thought Machine is her commitment to transparency and accountability. She believes that open communication is essential for building trust and fostering a positive workplace culture. This is particularly important when addressing sensitive issues such as the gender pay gap or the representation of minority groups within the company.

At Thought Machine, transparency is not just a buzzword; it is a core value that informs how the company operates. For example, Natalie recently led a discussion on the company’s gender pay gap, openly sharing both the progress that has been made and the areas where improvement is still needed. This level of transparency helps to create a culture of trust, where employees feel confident that their concerns are being heard and addressed.

The Evolving Culture of Fintech

Natalie’s experiences highlight the broader evolution of culture within the fintech industry. As fintech companies continue to grow and evolve, there is a growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion. However, as Natalie pointed out, there is still much work to be done. The industry must continue to challenge legacy cultures that have long excluded underrepresented groups and work towards creating environments that are truly inclusive.

For Natalie, the future of fintech lies in its ability to embrace change and foster a culture that is open, inclusive, and supportive of diversity. This is not just about meeting diversity quotas or checking boxes; it is about creating workplaces where everyone can thrive and contribute to the company’s success. As the fintech industry continues to evolve, the importance of diversity and inclusion will only increase, making it essential for companies to prioritise these values in their recruitment and people strategies.

The Role of Fintech Recruitment Agencies

Fintech recruitment agencies have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of the industry. As Natalie’s career demonstrates, the impact of a supportive and inclusive workplace can be profound, both for individual careers and for the industry as a whole. Recruitment agencies are in a unique position to influence the culture of fintech companies by ensuring that the candidates they present are not only technically qualified but also aligned with the company’s values, particularly regarding diversity and inclusion.

Natalie emphasised that recruitment agencies must go beyond traditional metrics and focus on the cultural fit of candidates. This means understanding the importance of inclusivity and allyship and ensuring that these values are reflected in the recruitment process. By doing so, fintech recruitment agencies can help to create workplaces that are not only diverse but also truly inclusive.

Lessons from Natalie’s Journey

Natalie Brock’s journey offers valuable lessons for anyone involved in the fintech industry. Her experiences highlight the challenges and opportunities that come with creating inclusive workplaces, particularly in an industry as dynamic and fast-paced as fintech. For those considering careers in fintech, her story serves as a reminder of the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to inclusivity.

For fintech companies and fintech recruitment agencies, Natalie’s insights underscore the importance of transparency, allyship, and a focus on cultural fit in the recruitment process. By prioritising these values, the fintech industry can continue to evolve and create workplaces where everyone, regardless of their background, can thrive.

Moving Forward

In conclusion, Natalie Brock’s story is a testament to the progress that has been made in the fintech industry but also a reminder of the work that still needs to be done. As the industry continues to grow, it must remain committed to fostering diversity and inclusion at all levels. This is not just about improving numbers or meeting targets; it is about creating workplaces where everyone can bring their full selves to work and contribute to the success of the company.

For fintech recruitment agencies, this means taking a holistic approach to recruitment, focusing not only on technical skills but also on the cultural fit of candidates. By doing so, they can help shape the future of the industry and ensure that it is one where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. As Natalie’s journey shows, the impact of a supportive and inclusive workplace can be profound, both for individuals and for the industry as a whole.

If you're looking to build a Proud FinTech Workplace or need guidance, tune into our special #Pride episode of FinTech’s DEI Discussions. Join Nadia and industry leaders as they share invaluable advice and tips to create a Proud FinTech Workplace:

🌟 Kim Nguyen, VP of People at Alloy 

🌟 Christian Tooley, Senior Manager, EMEA - Ventures (Capital/Building) at Bain & Company and Founder of i³ investing

🌟 Natalie Brock, Chief of Staff People Team at Thought Machine 

🌟 Alexander Mark Deakin-Mckay, Commercial Marketing Director at Xeinadin

🌟 Deon Pillay, Head of Marketing Technology, Enablement, and Governance at Legal & General Investment Management

Listen to the full episode on all major podcast streaming platforms 👇

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