Joining Nadia on this episode of the ground-breaking Women of FinTech Podcast is Amardeep Sirha, Co-Founder and Head of Delivery at Amarti. A career in technology wasn't always inevitable for Amardeep; having previously been a teacher, Amardeep's journey into the tech space is fascinating. Amardeep reflects on the transition between the two, putting particular emphasis on the importance of mentorship. And Amardeep didn't just receive career mentorship, she sought guidance and conversations on all aspects of her life. We are reminded to not be afraid of confronting our shortcomings, and shown how to truly find our best selves. Nadia and Amardeep also engage in a difficult conversation on discrimination in the workplace. Amardeep's name and accent have both been barriers she's had to break. The pair share how to not only overcome such barriers, but what we can do to remove them completely. Thank you Amardeep for joining us on the Women of FinTech Podcast!