Marketing's Power in Promoting FinTech Inclusion

Michael Borrelli, Director & Emmy Granström, & Payal Raina, Founder & Global Head of Marketing & Rashee Pandey, Associate Director, Membership and Growth (FinTech, Tech and Financial Services) & Meredith Odger, Programme Director, Digital Learning & Sumeet Vermani, Founder & Chief Marketing Officer and Global Vice President of Marketing & Natasha Gay, Client Services Director & Mia Mohammad, Head of Marketing & Georgie Taylor, Senior Strategist & Shelia Mitham, CEO & Vanessa Lovatt, Strategy Consultant

This episode of Fintech's DEI Discussions was recorded live at  Payal Raina's Fintech B2B Marketing Community Conference, and delved into the crucial role marketing plays in fostering inclusion within the fintech industry and society at large. Nadia is joined by various leaders and experts who highlight the intersection of marketing, diversity, and inclusion in fintech.

Payal Raina, Founder of the FinTech Marketing Community, celebrated the community's growth, noting its expansion to over 5,000 members across 100 countries. She emphasised that marketing is essential for driving customer acquisition, retention, and revenue, particularly as fintech companies expand internationally. Payal points out that marketing should be seen not merely as a cost driver but as a growth driver at the forefront of innovation. This perspective aligns with broader trends in recruitment within fintech, where attracting diverse talent is critical for business success. Moreover, the rise of fintech marketing jobs has underscored the importance of specialised roles in creating and implementing these strategies.

Rashee Pandey, Associate Director of Membership and Growth at Innovate Finance, stressed the importance of representation in marketing materials. She highlighted that marketing provides a platform to advocate for diversity and inclusion through various channels. By ensuring diverse representation, companies can create more inclusive brand narratives that resonate with a wider audience, which is crucial for both customer engagement and employee recruitment.

Emmy Granström, Global Head of Marketing at SteelEye, discussed the need for marketing campaigns to reflect an inclusive and diverse world. She emphasised the importance of developing solutions and products that cater to a diverse audience, including those with disabilities. This approach not only promotes inclusivity but also broadens the market reach of fintech products, making them more appealing to a wider customer base. Inclusivity in product design and marketing is essential for fintech companies aiming to establish themselves as leaders in a competitive market.

Meredith Odger, Program Director at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, pointed out the necessity of driving inclusivity through fintech products and marketing strategies. She advocated for marketing to align with the business's purpose to enhance inclusivity from the internal culture to customer offerings. This alignment is critical as it ensures that the company's values are reflected in every aspect of its operations, from product development to employee recruitment and customer relations.

Sumeet Vemani, Founder and CMO of SKV Consulting highlighted marketing’s pivotal role in representing diverse customer bases. He underscored the business and societal challenges of failing to address diversity and inclusion in marketing efforts. Sumeet noted that marketing strategies should reflect the diversity of the customer base to avoid missing out on significant market opportunities and to foster a more inclusive business environment. This perspective is particularly relevant for companies looking to expand their reach and improve their market positioning.

Natasha Gay, Head of Client Services at Inbound FinTech, shared her perspective as an ethnic minority in tech marketing. She underscored the importance of showcasing diversity in marketing strategies to distinguish organisations and reflect the diversity of their workforce and clientele. Natasha emphasised that a diverse workforce brings a variety of perspectives and ideas, which can enhance creativity and innovation in marketing campaigns. This approach not only improves brand perception but also aids in attracting and retaining top talent in the competitive fintech sector, particularly in fintech marketing jobs.

Mia Mohammed, Head of Marketing at Toqio, discussed initiatives like Project Nemo, focused on disability inclusion. She praised the UK's efforts in accommodating disabilities and urged fintech companies to improve their inclusion practices, especially for women and disabled individuals. Mohammed highlighted that inclusive marketing strategies can drive significant social impact and enhance the overall brand reputation. By promoting initiatives that support disability inclusion, fintech companies can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and attract a broader customer base.

Georgie Taylor, Senior Staffing at Silver Agent, pointed out that marketing is key to telling an organisation's brand story and values, which is crucial for attracting and retaining diverse talent. She emphasised that effective marketing can help companies communicate their commitment to diversity and inclusion, making them more attractive to potential employees. This is particularly important in the fintech industry, where competition for top talent is fierce, and companies need to differentiate themselves by showcasing their inclusive cultures.

Michael Borelli, Director of AI and Partners, highlighted the dual role of marketing in promoting inclusivity and providing creative opportunities in an AI-driven future. He noted that marketing can ensure inclusivity as administrative jobs become automated. Michael emphasised that as AI transforms the workplace, marketing strategies must adapt to highlight the value of human creativity and emotional intelligence. This shift is essential for maintaining a human-centric approach in an increasingly automated world.

Sheila Micklin, CEO and Founder of Inbound Fintech emphasised the importance of internal marketing and employee advocacy in fostering gender diversity and inclusion in traditionally male-dominated financial services sectors. She pointed out that inclusive internal marketing strategies can help create a more welcoming and supportive workplace culture, which is essential for attracting and retaining diverse talent. Shelia's insights underscore the importance of aligning internal and external marketing efforts to promote a cohesive and inclusive brand image.

Vanessa Lovett, Strategy Consultant at the Financial Times, highlighted that marketers have significant power to influence perceptions and drive inclusion through their daily messaging and strategies. She highlighted that every marketing campaign is an opportunity to shape public perceptions and promote inclusivity. By leveraging this power, fintech companies can play a pivotal role in driving positive social change and fostering a more inclusive industry.

The episode highlights that marketing is not just a tool for growth but a powerful driver of inclusion and diversity in fintech and beyond. By reflecting diverse voices and needs in marketing strategies, fintech companies can not only enhance their brand value but also contribute positively to societal change. For more insights on how fintech companies are addressing diversity and inclusion, explore our resources on Fintech's DEI Discussions.

Looking for your next marketer to build an inclusive brand and stand out from the crowd? Contact Ian today:

About FinTech’s DEI Discussions: 

FinTech's DEI Discussions is hosted by Nadia Edwards-Dashti, Chief Customer Officer at Harrington Starr.

As our longest-running podcast, it brings together industry experts from financial services who share valuable advice on fostering inclusion within the industry and beyond.

Each episode follows the theme 'Walk the Talk,' offering practical guidance on turning inclusive words into action. 

In addition to the regular episodes, Nadia releases special series that provide in-depth advice on ensuring everyone feels included in the financial services sector.

With nearly two decades of experience in FinTech recruiting, Nadia is a passionate advocate for inclusion. She has witnessed the industry's challenges firsthand and created the 'Talent Equity List' to promote inclusive hiring by highlighting underrepresented talent.

Watch more episodes here.

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