Powering Inclusion Through Personalisation

Matt Ryan, CRO - Totem

In the ever-evolving world of financial technology, or fintech, there is a continuous demand for skilled professionals. As fintech recruitment intensifies, it becomes clear that attracting the right talent requires more than just traditional hiring practices. The latest episode of FinTech's DEI Discussions podcast features Matt Ryan, the Chief Revenue Officer of Totem, who sheds light on the nuances of the fintech industry, the role of fintech recruiters, and the importance of transforming the industry through inclusive practices.

The Evolution of Fintech Careers: A Deep Dive into Totem’s Journey

Matt Ryan, CRO of Totem, has witnessed firsthand the dynamic changes within the fintech landscape. His company, Totem, has been at the forefront of creating environments and experiences for the financial services sector, particularly through its tech arm, Reef. Over the past 20 years, Totem has specialised in events like Super Return and Super Investor, becoming a significant player in the fintech industry. However, the real transformation began in the last six to seven years, as Totem embraced a tech-focused approach, aligning with the demands of the fintech jobs market.

The evolution of Totem’s technology, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlights the industry's need for innovation. As traditional events became impossible, Totem quickly pivoted to develop an event technology platform, allowing fintech professionals and companies to continue their crucial networking and learning activities in a virtual space. This adaptability is a testament to the ever-changing nature of fintech careers, where professionals must be prepared to learn and evolve continuously.

Fintech Recruiters: The Gatekeepers of Transformation

Fintech recruitment agencies play a critical role in shaping the industry by identifying and placing talent in roles that are not only about maintaining the status quo but about driving transformation. Matt Ryan emphasises the importance of staying ahead of the curve, particularly in understanding the end user's needs. In fintech, this means not just focusing on delivering services but on enhancing the user experience through continuous learning and adaptation.

Drawing from lessons in the retail sector and tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Meta, Ryan highlights how these companies have succeeded by understanding and catering to individual user needs. Fintech companies must adopt a similar approach, focusing on the individual experiences of their users. This focus on personalisation and audience engagement is something fintech recruiters must consider when sourcing candidates. They are not just filling roles; they are selecting individuals who can drive the industry forward by prioritising user-centric innovations.

Navigating the Complexities of Fintech Jobs

The fintech industry, while technologically advanced, faces unique challenges. For fintech professionals, understanding these challenges is crucial for career advancement. Fintech jobs often require a deep understanding of both technology and financial services. This dual expertise means that fintech recruiters must seek candidates who are not only tech-savvy but also possess a solid grasp of financial principles.

Ryan discusses how fintech companies, despite their technological foundation, often focus heavily on service delivery, sometimes at the expense of the user journey. This is where fintech careers can truly blossom—by filling the gap between service delivery and user experience. Professionals who can bridge this gap are in high demand, and fintech recruitment agencies are increasingly looking for talent with this unique skill set.

Moreover, the ability to think beyond traditional financial services and incorporate lessons from other industries is becoming increasingly valuable. As Ryan points out, understanding behavioural trends and utilising technology to cater to individual user needs are skills that fintech companies desperately need. Those who can bring these skills to the table will find themselves well-positioned in the competitive fintech jobs market.

The Role of Fintech Recruitment Agencies in Fostering Inclusion

One of the key themes Ryan touches upon is the importance of inclusivity in the fintech industry. As fintech continues to grow, there is a pressing need for diversity in the workforce. Fintech recruitment agencies have a pivotal role in this regard, as they are the gatekeepers to a more inclusive industry.

Totem, as Ryan describes, is an example of a company that values diversity. With a workforce that is more diverse than any other he has worked with, Ryan stresses that fintech companies must focus on what individuals can bring to the table, rather than superficial characteristics. In the context of fintech recruitment, this means that agencies must look beyond traditional hiring criteria and focus on the potential of candidates to contribute to the company’s mission and goals.

Ryan’s emphasis on individuality is particularly relevant in fintech, where the industry has traditionally been seen as homogenous. By embracing diversity and fostering inclusive workplaces, fintech companies can drive innovation and remain competitive. This is not just about meeting diversity quotas but about leveraging the unique perspectives and experiences that a diverse workforce can bring.

Building a Future-Ready Fintech Workforce

As the fintech industry continues to evolve, the demand for skilled professionals who can drive transformation and innovation will only increase. Fintech recruiters must, therefore, be forward-thinking in their approach, seeking out individuals who are not just technically proficient but who also possess the ability to think creatively and adapt to change.

Ryan’s insights underscore the importance of continuous learning in fintech careers. As technology evolves, so too must the professionals working within the industry. Fintech recruitment agencies play a crucial role in this by identifying talent that is not only skilled but also willing and able to learn and grow. This is especially important in an industry as dynamic as fintech, where the only constant is change.

For those looking to build a career in fintech, the message is clear: be prepared to continuously learn, adapt, and innovate. Fintech jobs are not static, and neither should be the professionals who occupy them. The ability to navigate change and drive transformation will be the hallmark of successful fintech careers in the years to come.

The Intersection of Technology, Finance, and Inclusivity in Fintech Recruitment

The episode with Matt Ryan provides valuable insights into the current state and future of fintech careers. As fintech continues to grow, the role of fintech recruiters and recruitment agencies becomes increasingly important in shaping the industry’s future. By focusing on user experience, embracing diversity, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, fintech companies can ensure they remain at the cutting edge of innovation.

Fintech recruitment is no longer just about filling roles; it’s about finding the right talent to drive transformation. Whether you’re a fintech professional looking to advance your career or a company seeking to stay competitive, understanding these dynamics is crucial. As Ryan’s discussion illustrates, the future of fintech is bright, but only for those who are ready to embrace change, inclusivity, and innovation.

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