Turning Thoughts to Action

Genevieve Dozier, Founder & CEO - Warpaint Consulting

In the latest episode of the Fintech DEI Discussions podcast, Nadia engages in a compelling conversation with Genevieve Dozier, Founder and CEO of Warpaint Consulting, as part of their confidence series. This episode delves into Genevieve's remarkable journey in the financial services and fintech industries, highlighting her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and how confidence has played a pivotal role in her career.

From Finance to Fintech

Genevieve's story is a testament to resilience and adaptability. Starting her career in finance and fintech almost 18 years ago, Genevieve shared how she transitioned into finance, inspired by a mentor who recognised her potential. Her journey through various roles—from product management to sales support and eventually leadership positions—showcases her ability to navigate the complexities of the financial services sector while maintaining a focus on work-life balance, a topic that resonates deeply with many professionals today.

As Genevieve climbed the corporate ladder, she faced significant challenges, including work-life balance struggles and instances of adversity. Her move to a global point of sale hardware and software company, and later to a payments acquiring company, illustrated her determination to find roles that aligned with her personal and professional goals. Her dedication to supporting her family, particularly during her father-in-law's caregiving period, led her to start her consulting firm, Warpaint Consulting, where she continues to empower others in the fintech recruitment space.

Embracing Confidence through the Rise Up Program

A pivotal moment in Genevieve's career was her participation in the Money 20/20 Rise Up program, which she credits with boosting her confidence. Selected from a pool of 400 applicants globally, this program provided her with mentorship, workshops, and networking opportunities that expanded her professional horizons. Genevieve's involvement in this program and her ongoing efforts to mentor and support the next generation of fintech professionals underscore her commitment to fostering an inclusive and empowering environment.

Throughout the episode, Genevieve emphasises the importance of confidence and reflection in personal and professional growth. She shares insights from influential books like "The Confidence Code" and "Mindset," which have shaped her approach to overcoming self-doubt and embracing a growth mindset. Her active role in mentoring, advisory board participation, and speaking engagements highlights her dedication to helping others build confidence and succeed in their careers.

Advocating for DE&I in Fintech

Genevieve's efforts extend beyond her professional achievements. Her commitment to DE&I is evident in her work with organisations like PayTech Women and her advisory role in a payments company focused on diversity. She passionately advocates for inclusive hiring practices and creating a workplace culture where everyone feels valued and heard. Her belief that diversity drives innovation and revenue growth is a call to action for businesses to embrace diverse perspectives and create environments where all employees can thrive.

Genevieve and Nadia discuss the critical role of allyship in fostering inclusion. Genevieve's approach to being an ally—standing up for others, volunteering, and being genuinely considerate—serves as a powerful reminder that small acts of kindness and support can make a significant impact. Her emphasis on humanity in the workplace aligns with the broader theme of confidence, showing that a supportive and inclusive environment is essential for building confidence and driving success.

The Power of Storytelling

In her conversation with Nadia, Genevieve underscores the importance of storytelling as a means of learning and education. Reflecting on her experiences and challenges, she shares how powerful it is for individuals to own and tell their stories. Her efforts to mentor and support the next generation of fintech talent are a testament to her belief in the transformative power of sharing personal journeys.

Genevieve's work in promoting confidence and DE&I is not limited to her professional endeavours. Her commitment to volunteering, mentoring, and participating in advisory boards demonstrates her dedication to making a positive impact on the fintech community. Her story is a source of inspiration for many, encouraging professionals to embrace their unique paths and contribute to a more inclusive industry.

Lessons on Confidence and Inclusion

One of the standout elements of Genevieve's narrative is her emphasis on confidence. She recounts how, through the Money 20/20 Rise Up program and her exposure to books like "The Confidence Code," she developed a stronger sense of self-belief. This newfound confidence propelled her into leadership roles and enabled her to face challenges head-on. Genevieve's journey highlights the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning in building confidence.

Another significant aspect of the episode is Genevieve's dedication to DE&I. She shares her experiences of facing adversity and witnessing others struggle in the workplace, which fueled her passion for creating inclusive environments. Her work with organisations like PayTech Women and her advisory roles in companies focused on diversity exemplify her commitment to this cause. Genevieve's story serves as a powerful reminder that fostering DE&I requires ongoing effort and intentional actions.

Genevieve's Advice for the Next Generation

Nadia and Genevieve explore how to inspire and support the next generation of fintech talent. Genevieve's advice is grounded in her own experiences and the lessons she has learned along the way. She emphasises the importance of mentorship, sharing that her own journey was significantly influenced by mentors who believed in her potential. Genevieve encourages young professionals to seek out mentors and be open to learning from others.

Additionally, Genevieve discusses the value of storytelling in personal and professional development. By sharing her own story, she hopes to inspire others to reflect on their experiences and find strength in their unique journeys. This approach not only builds confidence but also fosters a sense of community and support within the fintech industry.

This episode of the Fintech DEI Discussions podcast is a profound exploration of Genevieve Dozier's inspiring journey in financial services and fintech. Her dedication to DE&I, her efforts to mentor and empower others, and her focus on building confidence provide valuable lessons for professionals and organizations alike. By sharing her story, Genevieve not only inspires others to pursue their goals with confidence but also highlights the importance of creating inclusive environments where everyone can succeed.

The Fintech DEI Discussions podcast series by Harrington Starr aims to celebrate the wins, raise awareness of the challenges, and advocate for change across the financial technology industry. Through conversations with industry leaders and influencers, the podcast explores topics related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and confidence, offering insights and inspiration for professionals in the fintech space. Learn more and explore our episodes here.

For more information about Harrington Starr and our services in financial services recruitment and fintech recruitment, visit our website.

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